Reconnecting New Zealand to the World! Reopening of Borders to Foreign Nationals

Reopening of New Zealand’s Border to the World

Application Criteria for 2021 Residence Visa Applications:

Info released in a press conference held on the 24th of November 2021

Today Covid-19 Response Minister Hon. Chris Hipkins announced the plan to reopen the New Zealand borders to the rest of the world. While this will still be a staged approach it is a definitive plan.

Stage 1

17 January 2022 – Opening to fully vaccinated New Zealand citizens and those residence-class visa holders and other travellers eligible under our current settings from Australia (provided they have been in Australia or New Zealand for the past 14 days) – No MIQ Required.

Stage 2

14 February 2022 – Opening to fully vaccinated New Zealand citizens and those
residence-class visa holders and other travellers eligible under our current border settings, from all but Very High-Risk countries. (Currently Papua New Guinea)

Stage 3

30 April 2022 – opening to fully vaccinated foreign nationals (possibly staged by visa

Notes for all Stages:

1. Mandatory 7 Day Self Isolation for travellers not required to enter MIQ.

2. All Travellers will require a negative pre-departure test.

3. All Travellers will require proof of being fully vaccinated.

4. A Passenger declaration about their recent travel history including that they
haven’t been in a very high-risk country in the last 14 days.

5. All travellers will be required to have a day 1 test, self-isolate for 7 days and provide a final day 7 negative test before they go out into the community.

6. Unvaccinated NZ Citizens, and all travellers coming from high-risk counties will be required to spend 7 days in a MIQ facility and 3 days self-isolation prior to entering the community.

7. Travellers from very high-risk countries will be required to spend 14 days in a non-
high-risk country prior to travelling to New Zealand.

Further details can be found on the official release on the NZ Government website:

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